
Planning enforcement

Investigating situations where it is suspected that there is a breach of planning control or unauthorised development.

Planning policy

Documents and information that will help to shape the district.

Neighbourhood planning

The Localism Act introduced a new, local tier to the planning system called neighbourhood planning.

Community Infrastructure Levy

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was introduced by the government to try to ensure that when land is developed, it comes with the necessary infrastructure to support it such as schools, public transport and leisure facilities.

Do I need planning permission?

West Lindsey District Council provides a service that can assess the work you propose to be carried out, and we can advise you in writing whether we consider your building work requires planning permission from the council, or would otherwise qualify as "permitted development".

Self-build and custom housebuilding

Are you interested in building your own home? If so, did you know that West Lindsey District Council keep a register of individuals and associations looking to acquire serviced plots of land for self-build or custom housebuilding projects.