Apply for planning permission

button | Planning Portal
text | Apply for planning permission 1

The planning portal is a national website for all planning permissions and information in England. To submit your application online or download and print a paper version please using the link below. You can explore the Planning Portal’s Interactive House for guidance on permitted development and many common householder projects.

For all application submitted via the Planning Portal, you must check with us that the fees quoted are correct. Incorrect fees mean we cannot validate or determine your application. You can contact us by email

View the Planning Portal fee calculator.

Planning fees are set in accordance with the regulations of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

Please use these links for pre-application advice and a step by step guide to making planning applications.

We have also produced a guide to help with submitting a valid householder application [pdf / 6MB].

Central Lincolnshire Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Central Lincolnshire Developer Contributions SPD was adopted by the Joint Strategic Planning Committee on 25 June 2018. Further information and documentation is available to view in the Latest News section on the Home page of the Central Lincolnshire website.

Applying for building regulations

Building control applications can also be submitted online with ourselves or the Planning Portal.

button | Apply for Building Regulations
button | Planning portal: Building control
text | How Planning use your data

How Planning use your data

If you want to know more about how West Lindsey District Council Planning use your data, what your rights are and how to contact us if you have any concerns, please read our Planning Privacy Notice.

Pre-application advice

We welcome and encourage discussions with homeowners or developers before they submit a planning application. This service gives you the opportunity to fully explore your proposal with us and find out what information you need to support your planning application.

Buy maps

You tell us what your map is for, how it will be used, and how you want it delivered and we, as an OS Mapping and Data Centre, will ensure that you get a customised mapping solution that matches your requirements through the highest possible service.

Planning Committees

When planning applications or enforcement matters are referred to committee for determination it is the council’s Planning Committee that will make the decision.

Section 106 agreements

Planning obligations provide a means of ensuring that developers contribute towards the infrastructure and the services that West Lindsey District Council believe necessary to facilitate proposed developments. Contributions may be either in cash or kind.

Local Validation List from 1 July 2024

The Local Validation Lists will be used to ensure that the necessary information is provided at the point of planning applications being submitted, and to prevent any delays in validation.