
A licence, permit or registration is required for some businesses, activities or roles in order to regulate industries and protect the public. Some applications require an inspection before a licence can be granted, in order to make sure the required standards are met.

For the list of licences, permits or registrations we issue or have information on: please see our 'Business licences' page. If the topic you are looking for is not listed you may need to apply to another body for the relevant licence such as Lincolnshire County Council, the Environment Agency or Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.

We are only able to deal with complaints and enforcement issues in relation to the licences, permits or registrations we issue. Please see our 'Complain about a premises licensing issue' page for contact details.

Our 'Public licensing register' can be used to check whether an individual, premises or business holds the relevant licence, permit or registration.


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Business licences

It is a statutory requirement for certain types of business to hold a licence or certificate of registration before trading.

Licence fees

List of fees for business licences, Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005.