Our Thriving Gainsborough 2024 project, has been co-produced with our communities, politicians, local businesses and third party investors. It builds on the momentum created by previous interventions and implements further visibly impactful and transformational change. Our intention is to directly address the most pressing systemic challenges and market failures that continue to hold the town and our communities back, while ensuring that the town plays an active role in reducing carbon emissions.
Through a series of aligned interventions Thriving Gainsborough 2024 will establish the physical, economic, social and environmental conditions required to address economic decline and the acute deprivation experienced across several wards. There are 6 main projects taking place including looking at the Market Place, the Cinema and the Parks. To find out more information on these projects and more please visit the Invest Gainsborough website.
As part of this we asked residents to complete a questionnaire which would allow us to understand how you feel about Gainsborough. This questionnaire was available until 9am on Monday 19 February 2024 and has now closed. Thank you to all those who took part. The results will be analysed and fed into the project
If you have any questions or queries please contact engagement@west-lindsey.gov.uk.