Energy Efficiency Policies
The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan is pioneering in placing climate change at its core, and will help ensure Central Lincolnshire is a net zero carbon area. This trailblazing approach will also lead the way for other areas to follow in tackling climate change. The Local Plan contains a set of policies which are ambitious and ground breaking aimed at making Central Lincolnshire net zero carbon, including in making sure new homes are efficient, attracting renewable energy generation, and ensuring new homes are adaptable to climate change.
The plan includes a number of new policies including in relation to climate change and biodiversity amongst others and planning decisions will now be made against these policies.
Energy Statements - New Buildings (Residential or Commercial)
In line with the Local Plan Policies, Energy Statements and a completed Energy Checklist will be required with applications for new commercial or residential buildings which should show compliance with S6, S7 and S8.
A design guide and associated checklist have been produced and are available below:
Householder Extensions, Changes of Use and Other Development
For all other applications for development proposals including changes of use, redevelopment of a building, or an extension to an existing building, the applicant is encouraged to consider all opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of that building (including the original building, if it is being extended).
A statement should accompany your application detailing how it has considered Policy S13. Such developments should consider the potential to incorporate some or all the following measures:
- Installation of PV panels on the roof, ideally on elevations within 30° of south
- Use of highly efficient external windows and doors
- Replacement of gas mains connections with heat pump
- Installation of a water butt, preferably of 100l or more, to harvest rain fall
There is also potential to improve the energy efficiency of buildings through enhanced insulation and ventilation and this may be something you could incorporate.
Biodiversity Net Gain
The Environment Act 2021 introduces a mandatory requirement for new development to deliver a net gain for biodiversity as part of the planning system. Developers in England will be required to deliver a 10% BNG, calculated using the Biodiversity Metric, so that there is a positive benefit for nature. It will apply from November 2023 for developments in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, unless exempt. It will apply to small sites from April 2024.
The adopted Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, April 2023 seeks to deliver sustainable development: development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need. The vision, objectives, and policies within the Local Plan build on those in the 2017 Local Plan and move away from simply conserving the natural environment to a position where habitats are also enhanced and extended by development. 2.17. The box below sets out the parts of the Local Plan vision, and the objectives and policies, relevant to delivering biodiversity net gain across Central Lincolnshire. A key policy is S61 Biodiversity Opportunity and Delivering Measurable Net Gains, which sets out the minimum % of BNG which must be achieved by all qualifying development proposals.
To help applicants deliver biodiversity net gain as required under Policy S61 a guidance note has been prepared and is available below. This will be kept under review and will be updated upon further updates to legislation.
Biodiversity Net Gain Guidance Note (PDF | 1.41 MB)
Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance Notes
Following adoption of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, supplementary planning documents and guidance notes have also been prepared to aid developers and decision makers. These include:
- Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Documents
- Energy Efficient Design and Construction (guides, checklists, and FAQs)
- Biodiversity Net Gain Guidance Note
- Health Impact Assessment for Planning Applications Guidance Note
These documents are available to view and download on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan website: Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance Notes