Trees and planning permission

Trees and landscaping are important factors when development management officers consider a planning application. If the application indicates that there may be an impact on trees or the surrounding landscape, or if a planning officer feels it necessary for further investigation to take place, our environment officer for the green infrastructure will be consulted as part of the process of considering the application.

The environment officer will carry out a site visit to see if there are any trees on the site that are of particular value or already have a Tree Preservation Order placed on them. Having assessed the tree(s), the environment officer will write up their comments on how the trees might be affected by the planning proposal and the impact this may have on residents. This information goes onto the application file, and the planning officer will take it into account when making their recommendation or decision.

The environment officer may decide to put a Tree Preservation Order on any trees they feel are worthy on the site. However, if the application is a full, or reserved, matters application, any planning decision takes precedence. This means that if the planner felt that there was not enough merit to keep trees over the application, they can overrule any Tree Preservation Order and any environment officer recommendations.

Trees and landscape issues can benefit from planning conditions however. These can be attached to a decision notice to require that a certain tree or trees are retained and not damaged. This is particularly useful during the building process when trees are especially vulnerable.

For more information you can contact our environment officer by email at

contact | Trees and Hedges
Trees and Hedges

West Lindsey District Council
Guildhall, Marshall's Yard
DN21 2NA
United Kingdom