Pre-application advice

infobox | Pre-application advice fees

Please note: From 1 April 2023 the Pre-application advice fees will have increased.

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Pre-development advice fees from 1 April 2024

Pre-development advice fees from 1 April 2024
Development Fees (includes VAT)
Householder development – do I need planning permission? £45.00 (£37.50+VAT)
Householder development including alterations, extensions and outbuildings (this fee would also include establishing whether an application is required and any listed building consent enquiry, if applicable) £119.00 (£99.17+VAT)
Non-residential changes of use including siting of
caravans for sites under 1 ha or buildings under 1,000 sqm
£255.00 (£212.50+VAT)
Non-residential changes of use including siting of
caravans for sites of 1 ha or above or buildings of 1,000 sqm
or above (gross)
£446.00 (£371.67+VAT)
Development of 1 to 9 dwellings including changes of use to
£306.00 (£255+VAT) for first dwelling + £171.00 (£142.50+VAT) for each additional dwelling
Development of 10 to 49 dwellings including changes of use
to residential
£1,841.00 (£1,534.17+VAT) + £91.00 (£75.83+VAT) for each additional dwelling
Development of 50 or more dwellings Minimum fee of £5,518.00 (£4,598.33+VAT) with additional fee subject to negotiation dependent on complexity of proposal. Encouragement to adopt a Planning Performance Agreement
Non-residential development where no floor space is
created (alterations such as shop fronts, photovoltaic panels [solar panels],
£164.00 (£136.67+VAT)
Non-residential development up to 499 sqm floor area, or
0.5 ha site area (includes any new building [including
extensions] as well as proposals where there are works
involved that cover an area of ground such as car
parks, manages, bunds, ponds, and hard surfacing)
£224.00 (£186.67+VAT)
Non-residential development between 500 and 999 sqm
floor area, or between 0.51 ha and 1.0 ha
£337.00 (£280.03+VAT) for 500 sqm or 0.51 ha + £171.00 (£142.50+VAT) for each additional 100 sqm or 0.1 ha (rounding up or down to nearest 100 sqm or 0.1 ha) 
Non-residential development between 1,000 and 4,999 sqm
floor area, or between 1.1 ha and 2.0 ha
£1,155.00 (£962.50+VAT) for 1000 sqm or 1.1 ha + £87.00 (£72.50+VAT) for each additional 100 sqm or 0.1 ha (rounding up or down to nearest 100 sqm or 0.1 ha)
Non-residential development of 5,000 sqm or more or
2.1 ha or more
Minimum fee of £4,696.00 (£3,913.33+VAT) with additional fee subject to negotiation dependent on complexity of proposal. Encouragement to adopt Planning Performance Agreement.
Variation or removal of condition £119.00 (£99.17+VAT)
Advertisements £119.00 (£99.17+VAT)
Non-householder listed building consent £232.00 (£193.33+VAT)
Additional site visit £202.00 (£168.33+VAT)
Hazardous Substances £112.00 (£93.33+VAT)

Additional notes

The pre-application fee for a mixed use development would be derived
from the total of the fees for all elements.

Agricultural development and telecommunications are not included as they
have their own national notification procedures which dictate whether there is
a pre-application process fee or not.

Cross boundary pre-application fees will be based upon the amount of
development in each authority (if a dwelling straddles the boundary, the authority
with the majority of its floor space will receive the fee for that dwelling).

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We welcome and encourage discussions with homeowners or developers before they submit a planning application. This service gives you the opportunity to fully explore your proposal with us and find out what information you need to support your planning application.

Benefits of this service

Any possible issues that may affect you getting planning permission are identified and discussed before you submit the full planning application. This is likely to save you time and money because you only have to pay for one set of plans. Please read our pre-application advice guidance documents to see the full benefits of the service and instructions to help you apply.

To make sure that we are running our services effectively and can continually improve customer service, we have to charge for pre-application advice. These charges enable us to provide this useful service and are in addition to the fees that you will need to pay when you submit the actual planning application later on.

Charging for pre-application advice covers some of the costs that the council pays to run the service, which means that only people that need advice pay for the service - not the council tax payer. The current fees are available in the downloads section below.

button | Apply for pre-application advice 2024
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Our pre-application advice will include:

  • a team approach where we work with you to help develop a successful outcome
  • review of planning history of the site including any constraints we know about
  • identification of relevant planning policies and any potential planning obligations that may arise
  • identify any supporting information that you will need to include with your application
  • a written response offering, without prejudice, the views of your planning officer

There is a fee payable for pre-application advice which covers some of the costs that we pay to run the service. The charge is in addition to the fees you pay when you submit the actual planning application.

Free general planning advice and information can also be obtained from the Planning Portal.

However you obtain your pre-application advice, please bear in mind that advice has a shelf life.  Circumstances do change and advice cannot be guaranteed to be valid indefinitely.  You should always check that your advice is up to date before you make your full application to build.

If you are not sure what service you need please contact our Planning Team by emailing


You need to be aware that any advice given is based on a planning officer’s professional judgement and does not represent a formal response or decision. Any views expressed are given without prejudice, and there can be no guarantee as to how the council will determine any formal planning application.

Building Regulations

You may also need Building Regulations Approval prior to commencing your development. Please contact Building Control for more information.

How Planning use your data

If you want to know more about how West Lindsey District Council Planning use your data, what your rights are and how to contact us if you have any concerns, please read our Planning Privacy Notice.