Community Infrastructure Levy Inspector's Report

Inspectors report

Further to the examination of the West Lindsey Draft Charging Schedule on 2 March 2017, the examiner Mr Matthew Birkinshaw has issued his report.

The non-technical summary states:

"This report concludes that subject to recommended modifications the West Lindsey District Council draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule provides an appropriate basis for the collection of the levy in the area.

In summary 4 modifications are recommended to the Draft Charging Schedule as follows:

  • Amend the rate for new residential development in Zone 1 to £25 per square metre;
  • Amend the rate for new residential development in Zone 2 to £15 per square metre;
  • Amend the rate for new residential development in Zone 3 to £20 per square metre; and
  • Amend the description of Zone 3 to read “North East Quadrant Sustainable Urban Extension”.

Subject to these modifications the Council is able to demonstrate that it has sufficient, appropriate evidence to support the Schedule. The Schedule will strike an appropriate balance between the desirability of funding necessary for infrastructure whilst ensuring that it does not put at risk the viability of development in the area as set out in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan"

button | CIL Inspector's report
text | Inspector's Report CIL 1

A printed copy of the report is available for inspection at the Council Offices:

contact | Guildhall
West Lindsey District Council

Marshall's Yard
DN21 2NA
United Kingdom

text | Inspector's Report CIL 2

Next Steps

The Examiner’s Report and Adoption of the Community Infrastructure Levy will be considered by Council at a time and date to be confirmed.