Charitable collections

Street Collections

Under the Police, Factories etc (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916 a permit is required in order to collect money or sell goods for charitable purposes, in the street (street is defined as including any highway, public bridge, road, lane, footway, square, court, alley, or passage - whether a thoroughfare or not).

For street collections taking place in West Lindsey please apply to us for a permit via the button below or the application form in the downloads section of this page. The conditions which accompany a street collection permit are also available in the downloads section. There is no fee for this type of application but you must be aged 16+ to apply and give at least 28 days notice of the proposed collection (you might not get a permit if there is already a street collection taking place at that location on the same date).

Issued with your permit will be a financial return form, to declare how much was raised by the collection. This should be completed and returned to us within one month of the collection date.

infobox | Charitable collection, Street Collections

Direct Debits – a street collection permit is not required for signing people up to direct debit agreements, however we request notification of intended collections, to check that the date/location is available.

button | Apply for a Street Collection Permit
text | Charitable collections 1

House to House Collections

Under the House to House Collections Act 1939 a licence is required in order to go house to house to collect money or goods for charitable purposes. 

For house to house collections taking place in West Lindsey you will need to apply to us for a licence unless: 

  • it is for a large charitable organisation which holds a National Exemption Order issued by the Home Office
  • it is a highly localised collection over a short period of time which is authorised by a Local Certificate of Exemption from the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police
infobox | Charitable collection, House to House Collections

Exemption Holders – we politely request notification of intended collections, to check that the date/location is available.

text | Charitable collections 2

To apply to us please use the button below or the application form in the downloads section of this page. The conditions which accompany a house to house licence are also available in the downloads section. There is no fee for this type of application but you must be aged 16+ to apply and give at least 28 days’ notice of the proposed collection (you might not get a licence if there is already a house to house collection taking place in that area on the same date).

Issued with your licence will be a financial return form, to declare how much was raised by the collection. This should be completed and returned to us within one month of the collection date.

button | Apply for a House to House Collection Licence
contact | Licensing

West Lindsey District Council
Marshall’s Yard
DN21 2NA
United Kingdom