Our vision for housing in West Lindsey is for a district where:
“Everyone has access to good quality housing which meets their housing need and aspiration in a pleasing environment which enables a healthy lifestyle”
The West Lindsey Housing Strategy 2018 to 2022 set out the challenges and opportunities facing West Lindsey to realise this vision and looked at three key strategic themes to deliver that vision, these are:
- Driving housing growth to meet housing need
- Improving homes and transforming places
- A partnership approach to support choice, wellbeing and independence
In May 2022, West Lindsey District Council adopted a refresh of the Housing Strategy. This refresh updated the strategy and extended it until the end of 2024 to allow more time to undertake some of the work that took a back set due to COVID-19. A large part of this refresh reflected back on our progress under the strategy over the past 4 years and the large amount of work and huge successes that have been achieved.
A copy of the Housing Strategy and the progress so far documents can be downloaded.
West Lindsey District Council
Marshall’s Yard
DN21 2NA
United Kingdom