Housing strategies and policies

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Strategic Housing

West Lindsey District Council
Marshall’s Yard
DN21 2NA
United Kingdom

West Lindsey Housing Strategy

Our vision for housing in West Lindsey is for a district where “Everyone has access to good quality housing which meets their housing need and aspiration in a pleasing environment which enables a healthy lifestyle”

Housing Enforcement Policy

The council aims to make sure that all citizens of West Lindsey have a home that is safe, secure, dry and not overcrowded.

Stock condition survey

The council is under a statutory duty to to carry out a periodic inspection of dwellings within its district.

West Lindsey Tenancy Strategy

The key aim of the Tenancy Strategy is to make the best use of the social housing stock in order to provide homes for those households who are unable to meet their own housing needs within West Lindsey.

Lettings Policy

We are committed to enabling applicants to play an active role in choosing where they live, whilst continuing to accommodate those in the greatest housing need in the district.