West Lindsey District Council is committed to reducing its carbon footprint to net-zero by 2050 at the latest and to also playing a leadership role to ensure that the whole District can achieve the same position within the same timescale.
The Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy was first adopted by West Lindsey District Council in summer 2021. This was the first time we had a specific strategy designed to tackle the impact of climate change on the council and broader district.
Since the adoption of the Strategy there has been a number of changes made, including significant steps forward made in relation to our response to the impacts of climate change.
We adopted a new corporate plan during the summer of 2023 which reaffirmed our commitment to tackling the impacts of climate change.
The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was also adopted in April 2023. This local plan is only one of three across the country taking significant steps towards tackling climate change through local plan policy. Providing policies on energy use in all new build development as well as delivering positive steps in biodiversity and nature recovery and fossil fuels.
The refreshed Environment and Sustainability Strategy defines our vision, objectives and outcomes for West Lindsey District Council, as well as our aspiration for the wider district. This strategy has been developed in line with our strategic target for West Lindsey to become a net zero council by 2050 and to enable the wider district through its role as community steward to achieve the same objective.
We will deliver this through strong leadership and enabling and will:
- take action to reduce carbon emissions across all aspects of our operations to achieve a net zero council by 2050
- enable and support residents, businesses and local communities to reduce carbon emissions across the West Lindsey district
- deliver positive communications and sign posting, including our "small steps, big impact" campaign
As part of the commitment to becoming a net zero council by 2050, we will meet the following milestones within the next 10 years:
- have a fully decarbonised fleet by 2035
- by 2028 the Guildhall will be heated using a renewable energy source
- by 2030 all other buildings occupied and owned by the council will have carbon management plans which will include proposals to deliver a fully costed carbon net zero estate
This is a significant challenge and taking urgent action is really important. But by leading by example; encouraging businesses, communities and individuals to take positive actions, large or small; celebrating success; constantly reviewing new technologies and innovation and taking advantage of funding opportunities, we are confident that the challenge can be met.
The strategy is supported by an action plan which is a working document and from which projects will evolve and is monitored annually. The whole climate agenda is fast moving so prioritising and re-prioritising projects will be a key focus.
We encourage you to read the strategy and identify actions you can take now to make a difference. We would love to hear of any changes you may have made to the way you live your life to reduce your own carbon footprint, or any feedback you have on the strategy.
Marshall’s Yard
DN21 2NA
United Kingdom