2024/25 Capital Investment £145m
- Children’s Services - £13.93m, 10%
- Place - £98.70m, 68%
- Fire and Rescue - £7.68m, 5%
- Resources and Corporate - £19.97m, 14%
- New Developments - £4.43m, 3%
2024/25 Net Budget Spend £654m
- Children’s Services - £113.7m, 17%
- Adult Care and Community Wellbeing - £205.6m, 32%
- Place - £159.7m, 24%
- Capital Financing Charges - £43.2m, 7%
- Other Services - £132m, 20%
- Children’s Services includes: Children’s Social Care and Children’s Education.
- Adult Care and Community Wellbeing Includes: Adult Frailty and Long Term Conditions, Adult Specialities, Public Health and Community Wellbeing, Public Protection.
- Place includes: Communities, Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Growth and Highways.
- Other Services includes: Fire and Rescue, Resources, Corporate Services, Other Budgets.