The information contained in this leaflet shows how the money received from West Lindsey District Council will be spent.
Contained within the total amount to be spent by all Parish Councils in the West Lindsey District area is the sum of £645,316 which is required by Gainsborough Town Council for the 2024/25 precept. This is equivalent to a Parish Council Tax of £129.03 per Band D property.
The precept is further analysed below:
Estimated Expenditure | Value |
Employee Costs | £450,550 |
Administration | £46,218 |
Grounds Maintenance | £56,050 |
Richmond Park & House | £47,905 |
Sports Grounds (Marshalls, Levellings) | £50,683 |
Cemeteries (General Cemetery & North Warren Cemetery) | £52,960 |
Play Areas (Levellings, Aisby Walk, Danes Road, Mayflower Close, St Georges) |
£140,917 |
Allotments (Foxby Hill, Love Lane, North Warren, Showfield, Spital Hill) |
£12,440 |
Public Realm (Street Furniture, War Memorial) | £3,355 |
Events (Remembrance Sunday, Local Event Support) | £4,300 |
Christmas Lights | £28,600 |
Total Expenditure | £893,978 |
Less Income | £248,662 |
Less WLDC Contribution | £100 |
Balance to be funded by Local Charge Payers | £645,216 |
Gainsborough Town Council’s precept for the year 2024/25 is as itemised under the above headings. A 4.07% rise for next year’s Council Tax.
Gainsborough Town Council
Richmond House, Richmond Park
Morton Terrace
DN21 2RJ