West Lindsey District Council
Marshall's Yard
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire
DN21 2NA
Email: customer.services@west-lindsey.gov.uk
General Enquiries: 01427 676676
Website: www.west-lindsey.gov.uk
Opening Times: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Reductions and Council Tax Enquiries
Call West Lindsey District Council on 01427 676676 with any enquiries relating to council tax and reductions.
Benefit Fraud
You can telephone the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440 if you have any information which may assist in the identification
of fraud. Information will be treated in confidence.
“As a new administration, we have been able to include priority areas we feel will meet our vision for the district.
The 2024/25 Budget supports delivery of our Corporate Plan objectives, protects our award-winning services, improves our customers’ experience, delivers efficiencies and will continue to deliver value for money for the residents of West Lindsey. All of this is being delivered to the residents of West Lindsey for an average of £4.65 per week.”
Cllr Trevor Young
Leader of West Lindsey District Council
Lincolnshire County Council
County Offices
Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Email: customer_services@lincolnshire.gov.uk
General Enquiries: 01522 552222
Fax: 01522 516137
Minicom Service: 01522 552055
Website: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk
If you want any more information on the county council’s budget for 2024/25, you can email finance@lincolnshire.gov.uk or visit Finances and budgets on the Lincolnshire County Council website
Lincolnshire Police & Crime Commissioner
Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
Deepdale Lane
Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Email: Lincolnshire-pcc@lincs.pnn.police.uk
Tel: 01522 947192
Fax: 01522 558739
Lincolnshire Police General Enquiries: 101 (your call may be recorded)
Emergencies: 999 and ask for police
Minicom/Textphone: 01522 558140
Website: www.lincs.police.uk
In order to continue reducing costs this council tax booklet is no longer printed and issued to individual households. It is available online and can be printed on request. All the information billing authorities are required to publish in this leaflet will be provided online via the Council Tax Guide pages of the West Lindsey District Council website