Residents across Lincolnshire are to be asked what is special about where they live and work as part of a consultation exercise into the development of a new design code.
The design code will help set standards for new buildings and be an important tool for everyone delivering new developments across Central Lincolnshire.
The design code will sit alongside policies in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, setting out clear rules for design quality and once adopted, will be used in deciding on planning applications that go before the authorities in Central Lincolnshire which are City of Lincoln Council, North Kesteven District Council and West Lindsey District Council.
All councils are required to prepare a design code as part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023.
A key part of the consultation, is feedback from people on what they think works well and not so well, in terms of the design of buildings, streets and spaces.
Getting the views of the community, businesses and other stakeholders is vital to making sure the code represents the views of the local community, and the consultation aims to reach as many people as possible.
Councillor Trevor Young, Chairman of the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee, said:
“We are in the early stages of preparing the design code and are keen to work closely with the community to ensure the design code reflects their views. Please get involved by taking our short surveys, uploading photos and signing up for the latest news.
“Following feedback from this first round of engagement and consultation, a vision and set of design principles will be drawn up, as well as setting out the areas and types of development the code should focus on. We will seek views on these in the winter during the next stage of preparing the code.”
There will be three main stages where local communities can get involved. The findings from these consultations will feed directly into what goes into the design code.
The first stage of engagement and consultation runs from Tuesday 10 September to Tuesday 22 October 2024.
There are two surveys that form part of the consultation:
The first survey asks for people’s views on what makes where they live special and the types of development they consider to be particularly good.
The second survey seeks your views on some possible topics for the code.
It is hoped that the responses to this more detailed survey will help inform what the code should cover and the core design principles for new development to consider.
Further Information
- Design code consultation website: Design Code | Central Lincolnshire Planning Hub
- More information in general about Central Lincolnshire and Design Codes
- Visit the main Central Lincolnshire website
- The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (Section 15F of Schedule 7) introduced the requirement for councils to prepare authority wide design codes: Levelling Up and Regeneration Act
- The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets a policy expectation for the preparation of local design guides and codes consistent with the National Design Guide and National Model Design Code: National Planning Policy Framework
- The National Model Design Code provides detailed guidance on the production of design codes, guides and policies to promote successful design: National Model Design Code