Plans to enhance wildlife and accessible greenspace in Gainsborough are underway thanks to funding

A group of men creating a garden for planting

A community nature project is currently being developed in the South West Ward, Gainsborough to create wildlife areas. 

The Together Team, local residents, Lincolnshire Outdoor Learning, and a volunteer team from the Lincolnshire County Council Highways Partnership are leading on this exciting project – thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Over the next eighteen months they will be planting wildflower seeds, pollutant- absorbing shrubs, and more native tree and hedge species. The work will be carried out on either-side of the Thorndike Way approach to the roundabout with Trinity Street and Ashcroft Road.

The project aims to:

  • Increase wildlife in the area.
  • Create more attractive and accessible greenspaces for the community.
  • Enhance the appearance of this important gateway for Gainsborough.

Benjamin Adlard and Warren Wood schools are helping to grow more wildflowers and building bird boxes that will be used around the South-West Ward area.

Community activities include Nature and Natter coffee mornings at the Trinity Arts Centre will take place on the second Friday of every month from 11am-1pm; pop-up nature gardening workshops; coach trips to natural heritage sites and seasonal celebration events on Ashcroft Green. 

Leader of West Lindsey District Council, Councillor Trevor Young, said: 

“I have been involved in this project since the initial discussions. I believe it will greatly enhance the South-West Ward, one of the most deprived areas in the country. 

“Not only will it greatly improve biodiversity, but it will also provide local people with some much-needed green space to enjoy. The area has very little to offer to improve health and wellbeing. An increase in wildlife, colour and vibrancy will greatly enhance this gateway to Gainsborough.”

Barry Rooks, Together Team Leader, said: 

“It has taken over a year to get this project off the ground, it is so great to see it starting to take shape now.

“None of this would have been possible without the support of the National Lottery Heritage Fund, our fantastic resident volunteers, project partners, Voluntary Centre Services, Lincolnshire County Council, Highways Partnership, Balfour Beatty, Sunbelt, HTM Traffic Management, RMS, West Lindsey District Council and Gainsborough Town Council.”

If you would like to find out more about the project or to get involved contact the Together Team by email at: or call 01427 613470.

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