New study resource helping bring local history to life

Image of classroom with children in facing towards teacher with hands up

An educational workshop and study pack are being offered to local schools as part of a new initiative developed by West Lindsey District Council.

The two-hour workshop, aimed at primary school children, is entitled Colour My Heritage, and explores the history of shopping in Gainsborough; while the Gainsborough Through Time and Change study pack looks at the historic development of the market town.

Both have been developed by West Lindsey District Council as part of its Townscape Heritage Initiative and are funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Cllr Lesley Rollings, chair of the council’s Prosperous Communities Committee, said: 

“Gainsborough has an important part to play in the country’s history and as a council we’ve been carrying out restoration work to help preserve this for future generations.

“These excellent educational resources we’re offering link perfectly with the work we are doing and are and excellent opportunity for schools to get involved in they provide an interesting and informative historical  study of Gainsborough in a fun and engaging way.”

Townscape Heritage Activities Co-ordinator at the council, Theresa Workman, who will be delivering the workshop to schools, said both initiatives were aimed at helping pupils gain a better historical understanding of the area they live in.

She said: 

“The two-hour workshop combines a presentation on the history and development of shopping in Gainsborough with an art and technology session where pupils can explore Victorian and Georgian style, then make a collage mood board for the interior of their imaginary shop. All materials are provided by us. The study pack is over five lessons and we developed it with input from a local teaching professional. It will enable primary schools in the Gainsborough area to conduct a local study of the historic development of Gainsborough as a market town.”

Primary schools in the district will be receiving letters with details of how to receive the study packs and to book the workshops.

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