West Lindsey District Council is inviting landlords and tenants to find out about government changes to the renting sector.
The Renters Reform Bill, currently going through the approval stages within government, comes into effect during 2024 and is likely to make sweeping reforms within the sector.
The reforms will seek to abolish section 21 “no fault” evictions; introduce more comprehensive grounds for possession for landlords to recover their properties; provide stronger protections against backdoor (illegal) evictions and introduce a property portal and Private Rented Sector Ombudsman.
In order to ensure landlords and tenants are aware of these up and coming changes the Council is delivering two information sessions in November.
Councillor Lesley Rollings, Chair of the council’s Prosperous Communities Committee, said:
“The council is keen to ensure landlords and tenants are aware of these proposed changes and the potential impacts they may have on them, so they have a better understanding and are prepared for when they come into effect.
“The private rented sector plays a key housing role in West Lindsey and the council wishes to engage with landlords and tenants proactively so that this can continue to be the case. We want to develop the relationships and increase the support we provide in this sector and this is one step we are taking to do this. I would encourage any landlords and tenants to attend these sessions to find out more.”
You can register to attend one of these sessions by following this link Tenant and Landlord Information Sessions
You must be a landlord or tenant within West Lindsey in order to attend the sessions, they are not open to all residents.
More information on the Renters Reform Bill can be found here Renters Reform Bill