A staggering £840,000 grant has been awarded to make homes in West Lindsey warmer and greener!
West Lindsey District Council has begun work to allocate up-to £840,000 to carry out sustainable improvements on homes owned by low-income families in West Lindsey.
The aim of the funding – awarded from the Department for Business, Industry and Industrial Strategy – is to help make homes greener, warmer and reduce energy bills.
With fuel prices soaring, it is seen as a way to help alleviate some of the pressure on cash strapped families, improving the wellbeing and quality of life of residents in the district, whilst contributing to a reduction in the carbon footprint
Chair of Climate, Environment and Sustainability Working Group at West Lindsey District Council, Councillor Tracey Coulson said projects such as these are vital. She said:
“These grants can be used to deliver a variety of home improvement including insulation and, where appropriate, renewable energy. Installing energy efficiency saving measures with the home can help reduce emissions, further supporting the Council’s Sustainability, Climate Change and Environment Strategy.
“Not only will the funding help reduce carbon emissions, but the improvements to homes across the District will also make it easier and more affordable for residents to maintain a warm, comfortable environment, thereby reducing poor levels of health and wellbeing.”
The successful bid was part of a coordinated venture with other East Midlands Authorities, resulting in the award of more than £82 million of Government funding for the region at the start of the year.
The Sustainable Warmth Competition looks to invest over £430 million across 57 projects, helping local authorities upgrade energy inefficient homes of low income households across England.
Some of the work is now underway and all improvements must be completed by March 2023.
Veronica Edwards Senior Homes, Health and Wellbeing officer at West Lindsey District Council said:
“With rocketing energy costs, projects such as these to improve the energy efficiency of homes will help residents reduce their fuel bills and stay warm through the colder months. The initiative offers a range of fully funded energy efficiency home improvements to eligible homeowners.
“The property type will dictate the improvements householders can receive which may include insulation, solar panels, air source heat pumps and high heat retention electric storage heaters.”
The amount of funding available could be up to £25,000, however most properties will receive upgrades up to the value of £10,000.
To qualify:
- residents must have a household income of £30,000 or less, or receive means tested benefits
- properties must also have an EPC rating of E, F, G and be suitable for the measures available in the scheme
- private renting tenants are also able to apply; however, landlords must contribute one third of the total costs
West Lindsey District Council is working with energy experts YES Energy Solutions to help residents qualify for the scheme.
Residents interested in the scheme are encouraged to call YES Energy Solutions on 03309 126 199.