Together with P3 Charity, West Lindsey District Council are working together to provide a viable housing solution (VHS) focusing in Gainsborough and the first 3 properties will be advertised from today (30 March 2022).
The principles for this project are to provide:
- Safe and affordable housing
- A safer place to live
- Community stability
- Lifetime tenancies for the people of Gainsborough
Properties will be advertised on Home Choice so if you have an active housing application please bid as you would for any other property.
If you have been advised that you are not eligible for Home Choice then you can still be considered for the viable housing solution properties – please call Home Choices on 01427 676 676 or email home.choices@west-lindsey.gov.uk
Applicants will be prioritised according to the Lettings and Nominations Policy [pdf / 152KB]