West Lindsey District Council have recently launched a consultation to change how some privately rented homes in the District are managed and licensed – and have a number of crucial online information sessions open to landlords starting this week.
The virtual sessions will allow landlords to ask questions on the proposed scheme – with a specific session being open to landlords whose properties were covered by the previous Selective Licensing scheme in the Gainsborough South-West Ward.
The events are free and can be accessed by searching for West Lindsey District Council on EventBrite and then registering your interest.
As part of the proposals, the council is looking to improve the quality of housing across the district, by improving their standards and management. Any landlords that don’t meet these standards or who fail to obtain a licence can then be dealt with using the Council’s formal powers. The proposed scheme will require each landlord to apply for and obtain a licence for any property they rent and also pay a fee for this licence.
Housing and Environmental Enforcement Manager at West Lindsey District Council, Andy Gray, said: “Our virtual information sessions next week give an opportunity for landlords in the District to ask us questions about the proposed scheme.
“We are aware that the proposals will significantly affect landlords in the following areas: Gainsborough South West, Gainsborough North, Hemswell, Market Rasen and Wold View, including the prospect of charging up-to 5000 landlords a fee under the license scheme – and that is why we have put these sessions on to explain the benefits and answer any questions.”
The following sessions will take place over the next few weeks:
- Free Forum for Previously Licenced Landlords – 1 February 2022, 6:30pm
- Free Consultation Forum for Landlords – 3 February 2022, 6:30pm
- Further Free Consultation Forum for Landlords – 9 February, 1pm.
Use EventBrite to book to attend one of these sessions
See our Selective Licensing consultation page for further information