Information, engagement and topical events for parish and town councils
As part of our commitment to work with and support parish and town councils, we organise regular Parish Forum events. These events give us the great opportunity to share information, engage with councillors and clerks, discussion current topics and facilities question and answer sessions.
We organise Parish Forums to take place at different times and venues making them as accessible as possibly to the many parish and town councils we have in West Lindsey. The events are open to local councillors, council clerks and council staff to attend.
Future Parish Forum events
Sadly due to the Coronavirus Pandemic we have not been able to organise any physical Parish Forum events. We are busy working on delivering our first virtual Parish Forum event and look forward to sharing details about this soon.
When the virtual Parish Forum event is confirmed we will share details directly to all parish and town councils.
What happens at a Parish Forum event?
During most Parish Forum events we provide a mix of information sharing, presentations and opportunity for discussion. Where possible we tailor each event to help address key topics or issues at that time.
As part of every forum we hold a question and answer session providing a great opportunity to raise new issues, discuss local challenges and talk about opportunities together.
Tell us what you would like to see
If you have any ideas or suggestions on things we can include in future events please let us know. We are always wanting to improve these events and your contributions are extremely valuable.
Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions using our contact details below.
Contact us
If you have any queries about Parish Forum events please contact us.