In a shire district area such as West Lindsey, three different types of local authorities provide services. Each type of council is responsible for different services, although there can be some overlap between them. In West Lindsey services are provided by:
West Lindsey District Council
West Lindsey District Council provides a whole range of services including:
- Countryside access
- Planning
- Housing (not including provision of council housing)
- Grounds maintenance
- Building control
- Electoral registration and the conduct of elections
- Environmental health
- Off street car parking
- Waste collection
- Licensing
- Street cleaning
- Markets
- Council Tax and Business Rates collection (on behalf of itself, Lincolnshire County Council, local parish and town councils and the Police Authority)
- Footway lighting
- Economic development and growth
- Public toilets
- Community safety enforcement
- Land charges
- Leisure and recreation
Lincolnshire County Council
Lincolnshire County Council which is responsible mainly for “strategic services” - those which have an impact over a wide area, such as:
- Education
- Trading standards
- Social services
- Waste disposal
- Highways
- Libraries
- Traffic and transportation
- Economic development and growth across Lincolnshire
- Strategic planning
- Community safety enforcement across Lincolnshire
Parish and Town Councils
Parish and Town Councils which are responsible for very local services such as:
- Footway lighting in parishes and towns
- Litter picking
- Bus shelters
- Car parking
- Cemeteries
- Allotments
- Public toilets
- Playing fields
- Village halls
- War memorials
- Street cleaning
- Dog control
Some local councils provide more of these services than others, depending on the needs and wishes of the residents of their areas.