The purpose of INSPIRE is to allow spatial data to be comparable across regions in the UK and Europe to give decision makers consistent evidence about the environment. The regulation came into force in 2009 and its implementation is being led by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs UK INSPIRE team (for further information see INSPIRE Regulations).
West Lindsey District Council has statutory obligations to progressively publish metadata and data for geographical information.
Phase 1 of INSPIRE covers the publication of existing datasets. The majority of West Lindsey District Council datasets fall into the scope of Annex III.
This first phase has to be delivered by December 2013 and discovery, view and download services are to be published for INSPIRE Annex III datasets.
- INSPIRE compliant metadata is published on the DATA.GOV.UK website and can be searched and viewed there.
- INSPIRE information can be viewed at DATA.GOV.UK using a Web Mapping Service (WMS).
- All view service (WMS) information is made available under the Ordnance Survey EU INSPIRE End User Licence. Using the link to access the data indicates that you have accepted and agreed to these terms and conditions.
- Data can also be viewed directly from our INSPIRE map.
Complaints or Feedback
If you feel this information does not meet your expectations, please let us know by contacting