Pay policy and senior salaries

The council recognises that, in the context of managing scarce public resources, remuneration at all levels needs to be adequate to secure and retain high quality employees dedicated to the service of the public, but at the same time needs to avoid being unnecessarily generous or otherwise excessive.

It is important that local authorities are able to determine their own pay structures in order to address local priorities and to compete in the local labour market.

In particular, it is recognised that senior management roles in local government are complex and diverse functions in a highly politicised environment where often national and local pressure conflict. The council’s ability to continue to attract and retain high calibre leaders capable of delivering this complex agenda, particularly during times of financial challenge, is crucial.

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Senior salary information

As part of our commitment to transparency we will publish the job titles and salaries of senior officers within West Lindsey District Council.

For previous years visit our senior salary archive page