The Environmental Protection team at West Lindsey District Council is responsible for investigating complaints of Public Health nuisance under the legislations of The Public Health Act 1936* and The Prevention of Damaged by Pests Act 1949**. The team can recommend and enforce standards, provide advice and guidance on a wide range of public health issues within the district.
Under the above legislations, the team will investigate any premises brought to our attention that is suspected to be in such a filthy condition (rotting foodstuffs, faecal contamination, accumulation of rubbish) so as to be prejudicial to health and/or, where vermin (rats, mice or insects) are possibly present on the property in significant numbers of to be considered a risk to health.
The Environmental Protection officer will carry out an inspection of the premises to determine what action may be required. If the property is deemed to be a filthy and verminous property, a statutory notice will be served on the property owner to resolve the issue.
Failing to comply with such a notice will result in the council carrying out a Works in Default order by appointing a contractor to clean out the property. The council will then proceed to recover all reasonable costs back from the property owner. The property owner can also be Prosecuted which, if found guilty, have the costs of a fine and legal charges to pay as well as the cleaning costs.
To report a property or for further advice please contact the Environmental Protection Team using our ‘Report a Public Health issue’ form. Any enquiries/complaints will be responded to by the team within 4 working days, including those made outside office hours.
To proceed with an investigation into your complaint, the following information will be required:
- Your name, address and phone number/email address
- The details of the complaint
- The address of the neighbouring property causing the alleged problems
Please Note:
Tenants who are having with issues with the accommodation they are renting need to report these problems to the Housing Enforcement team or, if within Gainsborough’s South West Ward Selective Licensing area, the Selective Licensing team.
* The Public Health Act 1936, Section 83 (as amended by section 35 of the Public Health Act 1961).
** The Prevention of Damaged by Pests Act 1949, Part 1, Section 4.
West Lindsey District Council
Marshall’s Yard
DN21 2NA
United Kingdom