What do we class as antisocial behaviour?
Antisocial behaviour is defined as ‘conduct by an individual or group that has caused or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person’.
Antisocial behaviour includes, but is not restricted to any of the following:
- abandoned vehicles (not stolen)
- graffiti
- rowdy or inconsiderate behaviour
- neighbour disputes
- littering
- dog fouling
- fly-tipping
- fly-posters
We have Antisocial Behaviour Officers who are able to provide advice and support. They work with partners including the Police to find solutions to local issues.
What do we not class as antisocial behaviour?
You will need to contact the Police (non-emergency No: 101) if you are experiencing or have witnessed the following:
- criminal Acts (such as violence, theft or burglary)
- drug dealing/paraphernalia
- dangerous dogs
- trespass
- nuisance calls
- prostitution-related activity
- begging or vagrancy
- fireworks
- vehicle nuisance/Inappropriate use (such as speeding, joy riding or obstructing access)
You will need to contact the Environmental Protection team if you are experiencing or have witnessed the following:
- Statutory nuisance:
- noise from domestic or commercial premises (such as loud music or TV, noisy dogs and other animals, DIY or noise from machinery)
- artificial light (security lights not street lights)
- odours or smoke from garden bonfires or similar
Please note: where it is alleged that noise from a domestic or commercial premises is antisocial behaviour. We will determine the best course of action and take the appropriate powers to use, if any.
- Public health:
- vermin (rats and mice)
- overgrown or rubbish in gardens
What do we do to tackle and reduce antisocial behaviour?
We take antisocial behaviour very seriously and know how it can impact on local communities and people’s lives. Along with having dedicated Antisocial Behaviour Officers we also support other activities and initiatives to tackle antisocial behaviour and keep our communities safe.
Some of the things we do include:
- CCTV monitoring
- restorative justice
- partnership working
- fixed penalty notices
- community protection notices
- acceptable behaviour agreements
How to report antisocial behaviour
To help us resolve incidents of antisocial behaviour we may need the following from you:
- dates and times of incidents
- descriptions of offenders or vehicles
- reference numbers from other organisations such as the Police
- details of other witnesses or people suffering the same anti-social behaviour
You can report antisocial behaviour using our antisocial behaviour reporting form.
Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review
The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review (previously known as the Community Trigger) allows victims of persistent anti-social behaviour to request a formal review of their case, where the local threshold is met.