Community Safety

Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review

The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review (previously known as the Community Trigger) allows victims of persistent anti-social behaviour (ASB) to request a formal review of their case, where the local threshold is met.

Dog fouling

Information regarding dog fouling in West Lindsey District Council


Safety advice for the use of fireworks


Information about fly-posting, including how to combat it


Information on what to do if you find graffiti.

Housing related crime

Housing Associations have a responsibility to deal with anti-social behaviour in their neighbourhoods.

Stray dogs

Information on what to do if you lose or find a dog.

Hate crime

Everyone who lives in, works in, or visits West Lindsey, has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to live without fear of discrimination.

Public Health

Information about how to report filthy, or verminous properties, and accumulations of rubbish