How are drug related items removed?
We will arrange for the removal and disposal of needles, syringes and other drug related items that are discarded in the environment and which may pose a risk to public safety.
Can incontinence pads go in my black bin?
Yes, they can. They are classed as non-hazardous (low grade clinical waste). All hygiene wastes such as bandages, dressings, drainage bags, colostomy bags and incontinent pads can be included within your black refuse bin.
Do the Council collect clinical waste from domestic properties?
Yes, but we only sharps collections (needles) from domestic properties. Other hygiene wastes such as bandages, dressings, drainage bags, colostomy bags and incontinent pads can be included within your black refuse bin.
If anyone has high risk clinical waste to dispose of, such as haemodialysis waste, then a request must come to West Lindsey via the local PCT (Primary Care Trust) to request this service.
More information can be found on our Clinical waste page.