Sharp bin collection and clinical waste

Infobox | Clinical Waste

Please note that this service is not available to businesses in the area such as beauty clinics or nursing homes.

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Clinical waste including syringes and needles should not be disposed of with your normal domestic waste. Neither should it be taken to any of the Household Waste Recycling Centres in Lincolnshire as they do not have facilities to deal with this type of waste.

Disposing of clinical waste

We collect sharps healthcare waste from householders who need to dispose of medical waste resulting from treatment at home. This is free of charge.

Sharp instruments such as needles must be placed in special yellow plastic containers called sharps boxes which are provided by your GP surgery or hospital.

If you have high risk clinical waste to dispose of, such as haemodialysis waste, then a request must be made from a health professional, hospital or via your local Primary Care Trust to Lincolnshire County Council.

Button | Request a sharps collection
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Request a sharps collection online and you can select your collection date from the next 5 available dates.  Your sharps containers need to be outside your property on the allocated day from 7am.

infobox | Clincal waste

We can only arrange these collections up to 4 times per year.

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All other low grade clinical waste such as bandages, dressings, drainage bags, colostomy bags and incontinence pads can be disposed of along with your normal domestic refuse. As this will generate extra waste from your property, a larger sized wheeled bin could be available upon request. Any waste which can be recycled should be placed in the correct recycling bin.

contact | Customer services
Customer services

West Lindsey District Council
Marshall's Yard
DN21 2NA
United Kingdom
