Information about the Garden Waste Service
West Lindsey District Council provide an opt in garden waste collection service which operates from end of March until end of November, providing residents with 18 collections. The garden waste bins are collected fortnightly during this period as per resident’s collection calendars.
On Thursday 14 November 2024 the council’s Corporate Policy and Resources Committee approved the recommendations to keep the existing schedule with a small fee increase. The annual fee for collections in 2025 will increase by £2, from £44 to £46 per bin. You can read the full news article on the Garden Waste News Article November 2024.
Residents that subscribe to the garden waste service will receive a welcome pack in the post containing a paid for sticker. The sticker needs to be placed at the rear of your bin under the handles, this allows our operatives to identify paid for bins. Please ensure that on the day of collection the sticker is facing the road and is visible for our operatives. If you do not display your sticker, it may result in the bin not being emptied.
The cost of the service is for collections in 2025 is £46 per bin. Residents can subscribe for more than one if they wish to.
There are no subsidies for subscribing part way through the year.
If you have garden waste you wish to dispose of, prior to the garden waste collections commencing again in March 2025, you can do so by taking it to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC).
Residents can renew or subscribe to the Garden Waste Service for collections in 2025.