Commercial waste legal responsibilities

Collection of commercial and trade waste is not funded through business rates and therefore this service is not provided as part of this charge.

Duty of Care

As a business, you have a legal responsibility to ensure that the waste you produce, store, transport and dispose of does not harm the environment. This is known of as “the Duty of Care”.

All businesses have a Duty of Care under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to take all reasonable steps to arrange for the legal disposal of their waste.

Waste Transfer Notes (WTN)

A Waste Transfer Note (WTN) must be completed and signed by both the person handing over the waste and the person receiving it. The WTN must include the following:

  • a description of the waste
  • any processes the waste has been through
  • how the waste is contained or packaged
  • the quantity of the waste
  • the place, date and time of transfer
  • the name and address of both parties
  • details of the permit, licence or exemption of the person receiving the waste
  • the appropriate European Waste Catalogue (EWC) code for your waste.

Waste collection companies will supply you with Duty of Care WTN. Keep these in a safe place for a minimum of two years, as you could be asked to produce them by your local council or the Environment Agency to prove that you are disposing of your waste legally. 

infobox | Waste transfer notices

We issue WTN to all our trade waste customers on an annual basis which renew on 1 April and this documentation will be provided free of charge when you take up the West Lindsey Commercial Waste Service.

text | Commercial Waste legal responsibilities

Businesses must ensure that the person removing their waste is either from a local authority or a registered waste carrier.

You can check if a contractor is a registered waste carrier by checking the Environment Agency’s website.

contact | Customer services
Customer services

West Lindsey District Council
Marshall's Yard
DN21 2NA
United Kingdom
