Benefit fraud occurs where a claimant, landlord or third party deliberately misrepresents their circumstances, or fails to declare a change in order to receive Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction Scheme or Social Security Benefits to which they know they are not entitled.
Report Benefit Fraud
Any information received is kept in the strictest of confidence but you can report suspected benefit fraud anonymously should you want to.
You can also telephone the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440.
If you have speech or hearing problems you can use a text phone service on 0800 328 0512 or Welsh speakers can call on 0800 678 3722.
Your call is free and confidential and you do not have to give your name or address.
You can also report your suspicions by sending the details in writing to:
National Benefit Fraud Helpline
Mail Handling Site A
WV98 2BP
Examples of benefit fraud
- Not declaring that a partner is living at an address
- Claiming at more than one address
- Failure to declare or under declare work or earnings
- Failure to declare savings, capital, property or land
- Failure to declare other people living in a property
- Failure to declare vacation of a property for which they receive benefit
- Failure to report a change in household income / circumstances
- Failure to report an increase in any state benefits / tax credits
- Failure to report when children / young adults / lodgers start work